This flower was picked and given to me by a beautiful little girl. Her name is Claire Harris and our family loves her very much. She is a joy to be around and has a "wit" about her that make us laugh every time she is with us. She is so smart and talks well for her age. I would dare say, her English is better than mine!
One day when Claire's family was visiting our home, Claire picked this flower and brought it to me. She could not have known at the time how much her simple gift of a flower could impact another life. I had been going though some very difficult trials and was feeling quite discouraged when this flower was given to me.
I placed it in a water bottle and sat it on the kitchen counter.
The flower has since wilted and is now gone but the act of kindness from this child will forever serve as a lesson in my heart. Sometimes others are going through trials and carrying burdens that we may never know about but our one act of kindness can remind them of God's love!
Thank you Claire and Mrs.Angie loves you very much!
How very sweet!