Friday, February 6, 2009

Yeah, It's Finally Friday!

February 6, 2009

I'm so glad its Friday. I have been looking forward to the end of this week for several reasons. Jimmy has been on a 7:00 pm to 7:00 am schedule this week at work and it has thrown our entire house into a spiral. I don't sleep well when he is not in the house so me and Rachael usually end up bunking in together and locking the bedroom door. (This is in addition to me setting the alarm). Yes, I am a chicken. You would think after a 5 year career as a police woman, I could brave anything. (NOT!) I have either watched too many scary movies or I am just getting older and afraid of my own shadow. Of course, Rachael is just like me. We have a race to see who can wash their face, brush their teeth, and get to bed first. The last one has to turn the lights off which puts them in the dark. We need help! Anyway, I am thankful that my husband is off the night shift.

The Varsity girls also play in the CCC tournament today and I have been looking forward to this too. I pray they do their best and hopefully we will win! If they win, we play again tomorrow for the final game. The JV girls played yesterday at Southview Christian in Statesville and I made the trip. There were 6 supporting parents and we did our best to let our girls know we were cheering them on. They did very well but lost the game by 1 point. The score was 18-17 and there was not a great deal of scoring for either team. Half of our girls have the "cold crud" and were not feeling well at all so we were slow moving. We took a lot of shots but missed most of them. We did great defensively but seem to never get it together offensively.

The FireProof movie is this weekend and Jimmy and I are looking forward to seeing it again. We absolutely loved this movie. My boss and his wife is coming and so is my step-son, Nick. We are going to the 6:00 pm showing.

The Red Cross Blood Drive is on Sunday at our church and we are signed up to give blood at 1:30 pm. I would encourage anyone who has not signed up to please do so. It is such a wonderful gift to give to others. I was personally a receiptant of donor's blood in 1991 when I was severely injured in a car accident. I am thankful that others are willing to donate of their time and their blood. It truly is the "Gift of Life."

I am getting ready to travel to Asheboro for the girl's game and watch my "Ray Ray" do her best. I love my baby!


  1. I didn't know you were a police officer. I am looking forward to seeing Fireproof for the first time. I am now getting enough sleep where I wouldn't fall asleep during a movie:)

  2. Soooo glad it's Friday! It means I can probably sleep in an extra hour and a 1/2, yay!

    Good Luck at the game!
