Monday, March 30, 2009

The Biggest Loser Dream Come True!

March 30th, 2009

I know some of you will look at this photo and ask yourself, "who is that guy standing next to Angie?" Well, for me, this photo has a lot of meaning and purpose behind it. You see, I am a BIG FAN of the television show, "The Biggest Loser." I watch it each week and it has given me much needed inspiration in my journey of weight loss. I also have "The Biggest Loser Family Budget Cookbook" and love the recipes that are budget friendly. I will post some of these on my weekly recipe post.

Anyway, getting back to the photo. Some friends and I went to dinner at Chili's Restaurant on Friday night after the play at Union Grove Christian School. I was one of the last people to walk in the restaurant to meet my friends. Jeremy told me when I walked in the door that one of Nascar's race car drivers was in the restaurant. He said, "Angie, that is Clint Bowyer sitting over there at that table with those other folks." I was not sure so Jeremy pointed him out to me and I responded with, "no way, that's not Clint Bowyer." But Jeremy was insistent and even told me to walk over to the table and ask him. I did not want to interrupt and I told Jeremy that I could not do it. After much prompting and coaxing from the rest of the gang (yes, I gave into peer pressure), I walked over to the table and very apologetically asked him if he was indeed Clint Bowyer. He responded with, "yes ma'am, I am." Now, I am not a big Nascar fan and watch very few races or follow the stats, but I am a Biggest Loser fan, and on the last episode of The Biggest Loser, Clint Bowyer made an appearance. He gave the contestant that won the challenge a ride around the race track with some spin outs and she also received a trip & tickets for a race. Tara won the challenge and to see clips go to and see the Biggest Loser or look at the widget on my blog. I watched the show and it was neat to see Clint Bowyer giving Tara the ride around the track. It was a big motivator especially because Tara came back from a 5th place standing to pass the other 4 contestants to win the challenge. Here's my "claim to fame" photo.

Clint Bowyer and Angie Tullock, March 27, 2009

Mr. Bowyer asked me how much weight I had lost and I told him I had just topped the 50lb mark and he shook my hand and told me to keep up the good work. It was an inspiring evening and I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Bowyer.


  1. and I just thought you traded Jimmy in:o)
    If the Jeremy you are talking about in this post is Bush, which the description fits the part, he has always had some major Nascar issues...poor Jennifer.

  2. Yes, Heather it is Jeremy Bush and he definitely knows he Nascar drivers. He is such a "smartie." I could never trade "my Nimmy" in for anyone!

  3. Jeremy surely knows all the race car drivers. You have to watch out he does not stalk them. (Just kidding Jeremy.)

    I know you were excited for the complement from someone who has been on biggest loser even though it wasn't a weight loss visit.

    Way to Go Girl! Keep up the good work.

  4. What a memory moment! It was God putting that extra confirmation in our paths that night :) I am so proud of you. Love you!
