Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Fall!

January 07, 2009

Yes, I said "the fall". It is Wednesday isn't it? And today is weigh in day and I did weigh in. I'll say, "it could have been worse but it was bad enough." I'll just say that I have some work to do. I gained. I gained 4 lbs. I find it hard to even say it. What a powerful word, GAIN! I don't like this word so I have resolved to get rid of this 4 lbs this week. Yes, the pressure is on. I will work out each night and I will watch everything that goes in my mouth! I am not going to beat myself down but rather hit the treadmill running. I watched part of the Biggest Loser last night so I am very motivated. I am going to work so hard and earn anything that I eat. I've had a heart to heart with God and he is my strength so pray for me. I need prayer!

Lessons I've Learned: (1) Never tell yourself that it is okay to take a vacation from good
eating habits! (this is a lie of the devil!)

(2) Be accountable to self. Don't blame anyone else for your failures.
(own them, because they are ultimately your responsibility)

(3) Learn from the experience.
(no more yo-yoing. Recognize what works and
what hasn't and move forward accordingly.)

(4) Prepare yourself!
(Good plans and good decisions bring good results.)

(5) Take care of yourself!
(Serving God & others is my desire but I have to take
care of me in order to accomplish this.)

I hope no one thinks I am preaching to the choir. I am preaching to myself. Each of us make our choices and this choice of weight loss is mine.


  1. Angie~
    There's no shame in falling, it's what you do after you fall. Get back on the wagon tomorrow's another day. I'm so proud of you.

  2. I also am very proud of you. Today is another day. You can get back at it.

  3. Angie - I am proud of you!

    Great job on the blog, love the music!

  4. Look how far you have came though. You have so much to be proud of with your weight loss. And I know there is more to come. Don't get discouraged.
